What’s EaSY
Did you ever take part in an International Volunteering experience (age 18-30) such as the National Civic Service, the EVS, the EU Aid Volunteers Initiative, the European Solidarity corps?
Have you ever wondered how to turn all the soft skills you learned into something directly relevant to the labour market?
The project Easy - Evaluate Soft skills in International Youth volunteering, financed by the Youth National Agency under the Erasmus plus Programme – KA 2 and coordinated by FOCSIV in partnership with La Guilde, ELIDEA and FEC, supports the recognition of soft skills developed by young international volunteers.
Here’s to find out about soft skills evaluation.
The project was developed in five stages:
- Development of guidelines in order to map young volunteers’ soft skills. This has been achieved by interviewing young volunteers and by managing youth workers focus groups;
- Identification of the soft skills characterizing the International youth volunteering experience: the EaSY Model;
- Development of tools for your young volunteers and youth workers.
- Testing of the tools on a sample of 400 young volunteers of the three countries involved in the project in 2018;
- 5. National and International multiplier events.

The EaSY model identifies the 7 soft skills that may be acquired or developed by young people by taking part to an International Volunteering experience.
Each soft skill is described in the Model and is broken down into clusters of micro-skills, recognizable trough behavioral indicators
- Training course model for youth workers
- Handbook for youth workers on volunteers’ vocational guidance
- The project’ s E- book
- Last but not least the Online self-assessment platform
The Test
Online platform for the self-assessment of soft skills
Guided self-assessment test about the 7 soft skills characterizing the international youth volunteering experiences.
The resulting report can be attached to the Europass Curriculum.